Subj : file size issues? To : Roy J. Tellason From : Mike Tripp Date : Sat Jul 31 2004 03:19 pm Hello Roy! 31 Jul 04 12:13, Roy J. Tellason wrote to Mike Tripp: RT> - 672 - Old=1131352; New=1131352 RT> This is after I'd trimmed out a bunch of stuff... The file should've gotten smaller the first run after you deleted messages. Even without parameters, SQPACK should purge the "slack space" occupied by the deleted messages. Even if you trim to a specific quantity of messages, the 5K you have today may be fewer bytes than the 5K you had yesterday. If that's not the case, then you'll see the same bytes reported for Old/New as above. RT> 5400 messages? That seems to be where GoldEd/DOS starts complaining...GoldEd/2 is still fine beyond there...and your editor may have no trouble. I forget the magic number where SQFIX starts suggesting that you use SQFIX32 instead...but I use the lowest common denominator, which for me happens to be the editor's limit. RT> There were something over 8000 of them in there, I RT> forget how many now. 672 according to the line above...and now you have a 1mb file instead of the 8mb you originally asked about. RT> And yes, this is the dos version. And you will have different luck between the 16- and 32-bit DOS versions of SQFIX, but my experience is that is the message quantity (.SQI index entries) and not the filesize of the .SQD that makes or breaks you. It's not that rare that there is some index cleanup even on areas with low caps and small .SQDs, and both SQFIX and SQPACK have to manage these while doing their thing. ..\\ike --- GoldED 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .