Subj : Elaboration To : Sean Dennis From : Peter Knapper Date : Tue Dec 28 2004 09:04 am Hi Sean, SD> I meant to say that I've rebooted using the EMX fix you SD> recommended and am using GoldEd/2 v3.0.1 and I'm still SD> getting those errors. Anything else you can suggest? Unfortunately no, you seem to have all the bases covered that I can think of. I haven't played with Golded for many years, so I am not aware of any of its specifics sorry. How much TOTAL RAM is in that machine? I am still wondering about the memory reported by Squish, that suggests something within OS/2 itself is being corrupt to me. Its just a case of finding out what it might be... --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) .