Subj : SEAL386 To : Mike Tripp From : Kevin Klement Date : Wed Jun 22 2005 05:37 pm Hey Mike .. good talking to you again! > Yep...but I started w/.40 and converted. .50 does something > wrong w/syntax in the initial cfg/ini file on a fresh > install that I'll bet is biting you. Well, the problem I'm having is it will not auto-add new echo areas I receiving that end up in my BADMSG area. Now regular echo areas from my fidonet uplink works fine, but I've setup a Fidonet-Internet gateway, so the new newsgroups areas ending up in my BADMSG area, Seal won't auto-add areas to squish.cfg. Ideas? Gufus --- Squish/386 v1.11 * Origin: Gypsy BBS -- Gypsy Designs CDN (403) 242-3221 (1:134/77) .