Subj : Gateing To : Marty Blankenship From : Dieter Ringhofer Date : Thu Aug 04 2005 07:45 pm Excuse late answer, please ... MB> gate some echos. I'm useing Blackhole as my gateing software. Not that good. You will come in trouble with some large feeds when running this software. I used it years ago to gate from/to MxBBSNet (zone 256) and some privat nets. AFAIR it doesn't introduce a new msgid for gated messages. As a result those messages will be identified as dupes with almost any tosser except Squish. MB> I setup a .1 and a .2 for my points for the echos that I wanted to MB> gate MB> EchoArea Z_ADS D:\RENEGADE\ECHOMAIL\Z_ADS -p92:606/0 92:606/0.2 MB> 606/0.1 318/0 401/0 405/0 You need to setup two different echoes. See later. MB> my route.cfg file for those. MB> Send Direct NoArc 92:606/0.1 MB> Send Direct NoArc 92:606/0.2 hm. Your route.cfg should not include noarc, direct flavor is recommendable. Here the way I did it (and still run such a gate but not with blackhole). I introduced a new archiver for Squish and used movepkt.exe (AFAIR included in blackhole package) to move packets for those "gate points" into specific inbounds. compress.cfg: ; Gateway FIDO <-> MxBBSNet Archiver GFM Ident 0,777777 OS2 Add c:\bbs\bhole\movpkt2 H:\out\fidomx %a %f end archiver squish.cfg: Pack GFM 2:2476/14.989 Pack GFM 256:256/4.989 ; example for one echo without further links listed EchoArea MUFFIN G:\mail\fido\MUFFIN -$m100 -$d200 2:24/903 2:2476.989 EchoArea MUFFIN.256 G:\mail\mxbbs\muffin2 -p256:256/4.0 -$ 256:256/4.989 Ensure to have your nodes included in your forwardfrom / forwardto statements. For blackhole I used following cfg: ==== Begin import fidomx.cfg ==== Aka_1 2:2476/14.989@fidonet Origin_1 FidoNet <-> MxBBSNet EchoGate I ; Aka_2 256:256/4.989@MxBBSNet Origin_2 MxBBSNet <-> FidoNet EchoGate I ; ; This is the path to your netmail area. ; NetMail F:\mail\Net ; ; This is the path to you inbound packet(s) area: ; In_Pkt D:\in ; ; This is the path to your outbound packet(s) area: ; Out_Pkt H:\Out\fidomx\ ; Areas MAXIMUS.MEX.GER MAXIMUS.MEX.GER.256 CANTALOUP.GER CANTALOUP.GER.256 FLEETBETA FLEETBETA.256 BTEEBETA BTEEBETA.256 APWORKS APWORKS.256 ARTWARE ARTWARE.256 MAXDEV MAXDEV.256 MECCA MECCA.256 MUFFIN MUFFIN.256 TUB TUB.256 SQED32.GER SQED32.256 ; ==== End imported file ==== Hope to not to be too late and that those hints are of help for you. :-) cu, Dieter --- * Origin: Wndos s god fr cmnicaton (2:2476/14) .