Subj : Squish for Linux To : Gord Hannah From : Bob Jones Date : Thu Dec 01 2005 10:10 pm GH> Hello All hope you are having a good day :-)! GH> About: Squish for Linux GH> I am soon going to need a tossser that I can run under GH> Mandrake 8.2, is Squish ported to Linux successfully? GH> If so where can I get the binaries. You will likely need to compile the code..... Obtain source from http:\\\ You will want to incorporate the latest changes in CVS. While I've got it running under a Debian system, you might hit some glitches. If so, ask here or (probably better) in the Muffin echo. Source for squish (and sqafix in the CVS tree), if I remember correctly) is part of the Maximus BBS source code tree. Take care..... Bob Jones, 1:343/41 GH> And will my OS/2 configuration work? GH> Hope this helps. Keep us posted. GH> We are a fine board trying to make it better. GH> GH> --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .