Subj : Squish Archiving To : All From : Marty Blankenship Date : Mon Jan 02 2006 10:32 pm How can I get squish to use one of my aka's instead of my main fidonet address when packing mail bundles? I have address lines in my squish.cfg file but it states that it uses all the address lines after the first as an aka. When my system packs mail to another network other than fidonet, it always uses my fidonet address on the archived mail bundles instead of the network address aka for that network. Any ideas come to mind from anyone? I'm useing version 1.11 of squish on a DOS box. If anyone wants me to post my squish.cfg to show me where I'm makeing my mistake, just let me know. Thanks in advance as I'm sure I'll get plenty of replies. --- Renegade v08-30.5 DOS/EXP * Origin: The GameMaster BBS | (1:2320/303) .