Subj : Re: Squish Archiving To : Dieter Ringhofer From : Marty Blankenship Date : Tue Jan 03 2006 09:31 pm |11ÚÄ|03Ä[|15Quoting |12Dieter Ringhofer |15to |12Marty Blankenship |03]ÄÄùúú |11ÀÄ|03Ä[|15Taken from: |13[Fido] Squish Help |03]Äį DR> When defining an area (netmail or echomail) use -p in the very DR> same line in squish.cfg. I'm already doing this. I have many echomail areas, but just 1 netmail area. DR> In route.cfg I defined specific routing statements, i.e.: DR> route normal DR> send direct I have something like this in my route.cfg Send Normal World Send Direct 92:602/100 Send Direct 510:507/0 etc. Is this where I'm haveing the problem then? The GameMaster BBS Home of Marty's Mercantile, an IGM for L.O.R.D. Also home of Bluenet message network. Telnet to any of the following. Lots of InterBBS games available as well as local ones. --- Renegade v08-30.5 DOS/EXP * Origin: The GameMaster BBS | (1:2320/303) .