Subj : Re: Squish Archiving To : Bob Jones From : Marty Blankenship Date : Wed Jan 04 2006 06:38 pm |11ÚÄ|03Ä[|15Quoting |12Bob Jones |15to |12Marty Blankenship |03]ÄÄùúú |11ÀÄ|03Ä[|15Taken from: |13[Fido] Squish Help |03]Äį BJ> The two "Send Direct" lines should come before the "Send Normal" line. If BJ> 92:602/100 and 510:507/0 are the nodes seeing the problem, then this is BJ> probably the cause of the issue. Originally I had the send normal line after the send direct lines. I just changed then before I posted the messages and it didn't make a difference. I have many send direct lines in my route.cfg file and those 2 nodes aren't the only ones seeing my fidonet address on the archived packets. I can load up frontdoor and look at the archived bundles and they all have my fidonet address on them instead of my networks aka. The GameMaster BBS Home of Marty's Mercantile, an IGM for L.O.R.D. Also home of Bluenet message network. Telnet to any of the following. Lots of InterBBS games available as well as local ones. --- Renegade v08-30.5 DOS/EXP * Origin: The GameMaster BBS | (1:2320/303) .