Subj : Squish Archiving To : Bob Jones From : Dieter Ringhofer Date : Fri Jan 06 2006 02:12 pm Am Donnerstag, 05 Januar 2006 schrieb Bob Jones an Marty Blankenship: BJ>> The two "Send Direct" lines should come before the MB>> "Send Normal" line. If BJ>> 92:602/100 and 510:507/0 are the nodes seeing the ... MB>> Originally I had the send normal line after the send direct lines. I BJ> I suspect that with Squish being 4D and not 5D aware, along with trying to BJ> run a single copy of squish is the problem. Be ensured: No, it isn't. Have a look at my description in previous posting and watch sequence as well as 'unneeded' route/send combination. I never used a 'world' statement. Doing it the way mentioned Squish will work fine in an environment where - 5D setup is used (i.e. binkd is a simple drop-in for multiple networks) - more than 10 networks have been served - multiple ftn-gateways between multiple networks are running - within Fido even zonegating has been done via a point AKA (!) - remember Fido-Putsch in 90's over here in Germany. I 'zonegated' all zones. - system is everything from point system to central host (zone) Not doing it this way Squish *will* cause trouble for sure with very few networks (might be two or three). JFI: My largest route.cfg had more than 100 kB size without need of any tracker like Itrack. I use Itrack since I became too lazy to maintain Squish in such an extend but there's is no real need for it ... cu, Dieter --- * Origin: Wndos s god fr cmnicaton (2:2476/14) .