Subj : Messages too long? To : mark lewis From : Mike Tripp Date : Wed Feb 15 2006 10:03 am Hello mark! 15 Feb 06 04:57, mark lewis wrote to Matt Bedynek: ml> speaking as one of those folk, /i/ don't forget... i _know_ that there ml> is software available for those who can't/don't want to handle large ml> messages... this software can cut/split (by FTSC proposal) messages ml> too large for their systems to handle... i've said this for years... ml> in fact, i've had this stance ever since the ^aSPLIT proposal was ml> presented to the FTSC... i have /always/ believed it the ml> responsibility of the -=recieving=- system to split messages according ml> to _their_ capabilities rather than "forcing" everyone else to succumb ml> to their individual restrictions... This is really a dirt-common networking design issue that has been addressed in both hardware and software protocols years before Fido emerged. There are appropriate data structures and algorithms to accommodate datagrams of fixed length or variable length, but unfortunately Fido standards failed to define quite enough technical detail to realistically accomplish either. Nobody in Fido has hardware and software that can process and forward infinitely sized messages, though that is what is effectively allowed by the Fido standards. The advantage of a formal splitting algorithm is that it implies a formal unsplitting mechanism, which means that all are not required to "succumb" to the lowest common denominator determined by one worst-case hop on the route. MB>> I suspect there are tossers that stop up completely when they MB>> encouter very large messages? ml> i don't doubt that... that's one of the main reasons why i see that ml> ^aSPLIT proposal is written and directed to the wrong folk... All Fido systems are theoretically "tranceivers", so it is really irrelevant whether the responsibility for the execution of the algorithm is assigned to the sending process, the receiving process, or distributed between both...since we'd all need to support "it", whatever "it" is. Whether I like messages "too small" or you like messages "too big" is simply a matter of perspective...and there is a technical path to render it transparent to us both. Unfortunately, the necessary groundwork to lay the infrastructure to resolve the issue came along a little too late to benefit the folks that need it the most. ..\\ike --- GoldED 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .