Subj : Is there an SQD editor ? To : Mark Lewis From : Mvan Le Date : Fri Oct 06 2006 12:51 am ML> Is there an SQD editor ? BJ> To the best of my knowledge, not in the way you are looking for. ML> Ack. Sounds like I have to write one - that'd be a -long- way off. ml> i'm still trying to figure out why you'd want to do ml> such a thing... inserting messages between others and ml> realigning everything?? To keep BBS announcements in chronological order as the events actually happen(ed), for record keeping purposes perhaps. Eg. If I make an announcement in a message area on the 5th October Re: "LORD Registered", and a couple of days later remember also registering BRE on the 3rd, I want to create a separate post that's date stamped for 03-Oct-06 and be indexed before the 5th October (Lord Registered) announcement. Current Squish tools that I'm aware of aren't flexible enough for this type of manipulation - they only repair/defrag areas, and existing message editors don't allow modification of time stamps. I could update bulletin.mec but that doesn't allow you to move back & forth between items, select messages by number or list posts in brief format, or even write more than 15 or 20 lines of text (although I do have ideas on how to significantly improve the default Maximus bulletin system with these features using mecca). --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .