Subj : Rerunning on BAD_MSGS To : Mvan Le From : Peter Knapper Date : Fri Dec 22 2006 12:04 am Hi Mvan, ML> Can Squish be invoked to move valid messages from ML> BAD_MSGS (those that originally failed to be moved to a ML> proper message area maybe due to misconfiguration) to ML> their proper area ? From SQUISH.CFG - ; The 'TossBadMsgs' keyword instructs Squish to "toss" messages from ; your BadArea, every time a SQUISH IN is performed. Squish will ; skim all of the message in the area, and it will attempt to toss ; each one. ; ; This feature is extremely useful if you request an area, but forget ; to add the echo to your configuration files. The messages for that ; area would end up in your BadArea; with TossBadMsgs enabled, ; once you add that area to your configuration, messages will be ; tossed from your BadArea just as they would from a .PKT file, ; thereby saving you a lot of manual message moving. Its sometimes really useful to read the config files..........;-) --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) .