Subj : packets To : Mvan Le From : Peter Knapper Date : Thu Dec 28 2006 01:40 pm Hi Mvan, ML> According to Squish.doc, the Leave command makes mail ML> inaccessible to polling systems. Yes, I agree with this part... ML> Thus nothing gets sent because their file extensions change to *.N?T. However not EVERYTHING gets renamed, only the .FLO type files that already exist, and only those files in OUTBOUND areas... Here is the full text of the Squish V3 docs about the LEAVE command - Leave [...] The Leave command modifies outbound mail so that it won't be sent by BinkleyTerm. Squish will rename both *.?UT and *.?LO to an extension which is not recognized by BinkleyTerm, thereby preventing the mail from being sent or picked up. Leaving mail is useful for mail hubs and NECs, since it stops all mail from being given to the specified nodes. If your system has a crucial polling window and you want to stop others from receiving mail when they call in, the Leave command can be used to make that mail inaccessible. To convert mail back to its original form after using "Leave", see the documentation for the Unleave command. As many nodes can be specified for the Leave command as necessary. Wildcards are permitted. In the BinkleyTerm outbound area, using Leave has the following result: xxxxyyyy.?UT --> xxxxyyyy.N?T xxxxyyyy.?LO --> xxxxyyyy.N?O It may also pay to look at the Squish docs for the UNLEAVE command... So Squish renames .FLO files, but not any OTHER files. This means that it does not touch files in \Outbound.Sq, so THOSE files should be .PKT files, but probably bearing a Squish Extn (probably .SQ). These files could be renamed to ..PKT, moved to the appropriate directory and then sent, which I think is what the original poster wanted, however he would also have to do that himself, as Squish would process them according to its configuration, and not move them to the required outbound area. I still wonder exactly why the original user wants to do it this way, its like he is mixing and matching an AMA Style Mailer, but using BinkD and BSO, but one would have to wonder why. Perhaps if he is using Squish, then he would be better off using Sqush in AMA mode and Fileboxes in BinkD, however I have never played with either of those so I dont know the quirks one might find. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) .