Subj : Sad to see... To : Gord Hannah From : Sean Dennis Date : Thu Feb 22 2007 09:17 am Hello, Gord. 21 Feb 07 21:22, you wrote to me: GH> How does one route netmail and setup 2 networks and have squish work GH> correctly? Well, to route netmail, it's really easy. Here's my actual ROUTE.CFG with comments I'll add: === Cut === ; ; Outpost BBS Squish Routing ; Last updated 11 February 2007 at 1851 EST ; ; Fidonet ; ; These lines are for points off of me. The lines ensure that ; all the mail that is destined for the point goes to the point. ; Note that all of my special routes are before my default route (see ; below). Route Hold File 1:18/200.729 1:18/200.729 Send Hold File 1:18/200.729 1:18/200.729 ; ; These three are not points, but "direct connections" that I do not ; want to be routed. ; Route Hold File 1:133/12 1:133/12 Send Hold File 1:133/12 Route Hold File 1:261/38 1:261/38 Send Hold File 1:261/38 Route Hold File 1:153/757 1:153/757 Send Hold File 1:153/757 ; ; This is my "default" route. All other mail that is not specifically ; destined for one of the above systems goes through my uplink. ; Route Hold 1:123/500 1:All 2:All 3:All 4:All 5:All 6:All ; ; OS2Net ; This is the simplest route-I just send all mail to Kaare. Route Hold 81:445/1 81:All ; ; Micronet ; This is for my own network: I simply route all mail for that net ; to the hub. The third address is a "regional" address-they're not ; often used, but I have one hub that likes to send stuff from his ; regional address occasionally, so I put that in to cover it. Route Hold 618:200/1 618:200/All 618:1010/All Route Hold 618:300/1 618:300/All 618:1020/All Route Hold 618:400/1 618:400/All 618:1030/All Route Hold 618:500/1 618:500/All 618:1040/All ; ; === Cut === Later, Sean // | | ICQ: 19965647 --- GoldED/2 3.0.1 * Origin: Outpost BBS - Johnson City, TN - (1:18/200) .