Subj : Routing Netmail To : Gord Hannah From : Mvan Le Date : Thu Feb 22 2007 08:39 am GH> Hi All, hope you are having a nice day! :-) GH> Written on: 21-Feb-2007 21:18 GH> I have forgotten how to get Squish to route Netmail through my uplink. GH> here is my Route.Cfg: GH> Route world 1:140/1 Because I'm lazy and currently only deal with Fidonet, I use "Send Hold World" in route.cfg's global section and let my mailer do all the work. GH> What is needed in squish.cfg? I can post the file if needed. You need to atleast define a NetArea in Squish.Cfg eg.: NetArea [flags] [nodes] Then when you pack netmail with Squish.exe SQUASH it should create some packets in your outbound directory. What mailer and BBS software are you using ? --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .