Subj : sqafix query, hope I'm not off topic here To : Mvan Le From : Richard Webb Date : Tue May 29 2007 04:51 am Mvan Le wrote in a message to Richard Webb: RW> Main question: YOu can optionally (as I understand it) RW> have an external message creation utility build RW> messages to your uplink. HOwever I"m not seeing RW> anywhere that you define the filename to build the text RW> of the request from. AS I understand it, the filename RW> that can be defined in the Uplink keyword is for a list RW> of areatag masks available from that uplink. Am I RW> misunderstanding the examples in the config? Docs are RW> rather cryptic in some areas. ML> Beats me. I've been procrastinating SqaFix for more than 32 months. Yah but i want to feed some power points and join another net, so getting areafix is a must. ESpecially since I"m going to offer to feed anybody else continental U.S. who's cM and only has a pots mailer soon. I think I"ll just let sqafix generate its message to uplinks itself and forget the external route. THInk I"m getting it mostly figured out, and later this week we test it with a robot and a test point. IF the docs weren't so darned cryptic it's feature rich and will do just about anything I need. CAn't compalin too bad, after all English isn't the author's first language. Regards, Richard .... Amazing how much tape is on a 10" reel when it's not. --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet (1:116/901) .