Subj : sqafix query, hope I'm not off topic To : Marty Blankenship From : Richard Webb Date : Wed May 30 2007 12:24 am Marty Blankenship wrote in a message to Richard Webb: RW> Yah but i want to feed some power points and join another net, so getting RW> areafix is a must. ESpecially since I"m going to offer to feed anybody els MB> Have you looked at Seal? It works great with Squish as an areafix MB> for message echos and allfix for file bones. I use it here for the MB> networks that I host (Zenet and BlueNet). Yup, looked at it back in the day when I was hubbing for southeastern IOwa. Mainly had a look at it as it would handle 4d points. Was a little more menu driven than I'd like for configuration however, and was able to feed 4d points what little I needed without generating tic files for them with some batch file magic, so went to sqalid for areafix. I thin squalid. not sure, but remember either sqalid or squalid, not sure which. SLept since hten as they say. Got the problem sorted out I think, and it's working here, so no real complaints. Except for a routing glitch I didn't catch until after packets had been generated the test drive showed me a working system for most of what I need. Might take another look at seal if somebody with a pots mailer in continental U.S. has it for freq. Thanks, Regards, Richard .... THe only people who listen to both sides of an argument are the neighbors. --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet (1:116/901) .