Subj : sqafix query, hope I'm not off topic To : Richard Webb From : Sean Dennis Date : Wed May 30 2007 10:53 pm Richard Webb wrote in a message to Marty Blankenship: RW> Might take another look at seal if somebody with a pots mailer in RW> continental U.S. has it for freq. You already have it, Richard. Look on the CD I sent you. Should be SEAL250 or something like that. I quit using SEAL as it started chewing up my SQUISH.CFG for some reason-never could figure out why. But I use NEF now for my filefix/TIC processing. Works great and it's free. I don't use an areafix as I've no need for one. Later, Sean --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Outpost BBS - Douglasville, GA - (1:18/200) .