Subj : Routing Problem To : Dale Shipp From : Gord Hannah Date : Mon Dec 24 2007 10:34 pm Replying to a message from Dale Shipp 1:261/1466 to Gord Hannah, About Re: Routing Problem, On Mon Dec 24 2007 GH> Has worked just fine so far, of course YMMV. DS> What is your mailer program? Are you using Argus? I have binkley style outbounds I use Irex to send everything out,used to use binklyterm in my DOS days OS/2 I used to use AdeptXBBS till it started barfing all over the place. Hope this helps. Keep us posted. We are a fine board trying to make it better. Cheers! Gord -=Team OS/2=- --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Marsh BBS (c), Dawson Creek, BC Canada (1:17/23) .