Subj : Routing Problem To : Dale Shipp From : Richard Webb Date : Wed Dec 26 2007 01:10 pm HI Dale, Dale Shipp wrote in a message to Richard Webb: DS> I do not really understand the differences, but from the help DS> files of Argus I see that it uses the Binkley-style outbound DS> structure. The line in SQUISH.CFG for ArcmailAttach is commented DS> out. AS it should be for a binkley style outbound system. guess you had me confused as you mentioned that in your earlier post. RW> I had to do some major mods of squish config as well as route config RW> to get desired results. For example, by default squish will RW> zoznegate interzone messages. Well, only one zonegate is RW> pots available, and he's in CAnada, outside my free calling RW> plan. Hence, we comment out any ref to zone gates in RW> squish config. then to clean up anything for which there's RW> no routing command and isn't sent crash we have: RW> route normal NoArc 1:all 2:all 3:all 4:all 5:all RW> HOpe that helps a bit. DS> There are no references to zonegates remaining in my SQUISH.CFG, DS> all are commented out. DS> I am bothered by a comment in SQUISH.DOC with respect to the route DS> statement you quote above: DS> WARNING! DS> The NoArc modifier causes all 4D zone and point information DS> to be lost! Only net and node numbers will be maintained DS> for mail routed with the NoArc keyword. DS> Also, the same thing happens to me on netmail sent to a zone 1 DS> node. It sits in the Argus outbound box addressed to that node, DS> and will not get sent until I manually manipulate it unless I have DS> previously entered that nodes connection domain into my Argus DS> tables. If Argus would pick up the connection domain out of the DS> nodelist -- that would be great, but it does not do so for me. I"m not at all familiar with that mailer and what it does so others might be able to more intelligently help you. However, I've used that line I quoted above with the NoArc modifier for years to just get everything out. POints whom I send routed mail still seem to get it. OR at least did in the old days. I haven't netmailed a point of another system since I've been back up. IN fact, I think mail addressed to points still has the requisite information. I accidentally routed mail to one of my points through my uplink before I fixed my route config earlier this year. HIs netmail tracker sent me a pointed automagic warning about it . Squish assumes by default that you'll send directly to nodes in your own net, but I'm the only pots only in my net. Hence I even have to route mail for net 116. I had a couple of other points designated with a send hold, but not the new point I added. HEnce I had to add a line: send hold 1:116/901.all hOpe another argus user will chime in for you as you'll get more intelligent guidance there. Regards, Richard --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS (1:116/901) .