Subj : Re: Routing Problem To : Mvan Le From : Dale Shipp Date : Sat Dec 29 2007 11:07 pm -=> On 12-28-07 21:24, Mvan Le <=- -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Routing Problem <=- Thanks for the responses. ML> The only clue I have is that Argus is a GUI mailer. So somewhere on ML> the screen it should give details on outbound packets. So check ML> if there's any indication that Argus actually sees pending ML> outbound packets after they're created by Squish, which ML> would be a good sign. It does see them. If I log onto that machine and open up Argus, I can see the packet sitting unsent in the outbound queue, addressed to the node which is the ultimate recipient --- but not to the node where the mail should go according to the ROUTE.CFG file. I can mannually go to that outbound packet, and "readdress" it to my normal uplink and it then goes out and is routed on its way. I have asked in the ARGUS echo about this problem also. Somehow either SQUISH is not seeing the routing info, or it is getting readdressed when Argus picks it up. I've tried a number of things, none with success yet. Dale Shipp fido_261_1466 (at) comcast (dot) net (1:261/1466) .... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 23:07:29, 29 Dec 2007 ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 --- Maximus/NT 3.01 * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466) .