Subj : Re: Routing Problem To : Dale Shipp From : Mvan Le Date : Sun Dec 30 2007 12:03 am DS> It does see them. If I log onto that machine and open up Argus, I DS> can see the packet sitting unsent in the outbound queue, addressed to DS> the node which is the ultimate recipient --- but not to the node DS> where the mail should go according to the ROUTE.CFG file. I can DS> mannually go to that outbound packet, and "readdress" it to my normal DS> uplink and it then goes out and is routed on its way. After you create a netmail message and run Squish Squash, can you do a directory listing in your outbound directory and paste here ? (you can sort by descending modified time if you like). Also include the content of the *.*o file that should be created by Squish for that netmail packet. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .