Subj : Re: Routing Problem To : Dale Shipp From : Mvan Le Date : Sat Jan 05 2008 09:47 pm -=> Quoting Dale Shipp to Mvan Le <=- -=> On 12-31-07 02:19, Mvan Le <=- -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Routing Problem <=- ML> Ok. Based on the information above, ML> 01130064.flo ML> means you're trying to send a "Normal" flavoured packet to ML> 3:275/100 (the "01130064" part of 01130064.flo is 3275100 ML> in hex, and the ".flo" part of 01130064.flo in Binkley- ML> style outbound filenames means Normal routed mail). Hmm. People are asleep in this echo ... I'm slacking off myself. I thought somebody would've fixed your problem by now because it seems pretty obvious to me. DS> Took me a while to figure out how you got that. 0x113 = 275 and DS> 0x064 = 100. Not sure where the 3 came from. The node the netmail Woops. Sorry. You're right. The zone is determined by the primary address defined in Squish.cfg and/or the domain in your BinkP compatible mailer. Files for other zones go into h:\argus\out.[23456789] etc (if your default domain is "1"). DS> was addressed to was 1:275/100. That netmail was still sitting DS> there tonight. I had to readdress it using the Argus interface to DS> make it get routed to 1:123/500 -- which is how my ROUTE.CFG file DS> says should happen to almost all netmail. The fact that it does not DS> get addressed to 1:123/500 is the problem. ML> Argus should automatically send your net netmail packets ML> (ie. the filename listed within the .clo file). DS> Before I made Argus readdress it, I also tried to change the flavor DS> to crash. That caused Argus to attempt a poll to DS> I'm uncertain how that could have worked DS> since 1:275/100 is PVT and that DNS does not exist. This is normal (default) BinkP behaviour for unlisted nodes, and only works for static IPs. You got to register your (or the target) net/node's static IP address with DNS for this behaviour to work. Otherwise you will need to manually define a node & IP entry for 1:275/100 (et al) in Argus configuration so that if it finds a file named 01130064.*o it will know where to send it. Or disable unlisted node dialing in Argus. Instructions on how to obtain a BinkP nodelist are posted in the BinkD echo. (I don't know how to incorporate that nodelist into Argus (In BinkD you just use the "Include " directive)). ML> Hence we would focus troubleshooting efforts on your BBS ML> and Squish, in which case post the contents of your ML> route.cfg file. DS> My route.cfg file has a lot of standard comments in it. Here is DS> what remains after they are removed: DS> Send Normal World DS> Route normal 1:123/500 1:All 2:All DS> 3:All 4:All 5:All 6:ALL DS> Send Crash 1:140/1 DS> Send Crash 1:261/1 DS> Send Crash 1:261/38 DS> Send normal 1:123/500 DS> I have tried altering the order, and changing the flavor to 1:123/500 DS> to crash instead of normal the two times it appears. No effect on DS> behavior -- mail still gets stuck without being routed. Order is important. Try this, ================= Send Normal World #End Route.Cfg ================= Ie. "Send Normal World" is the only command you need. You don't need all the other Send commands unless you want to specifically alter the flavour of the packet for those (in this case netmail message), for example when you're a NC or hub and want to alter passthru messages. For crash *netmail* messages that originate from your system, you don't need Send Crash in Route.cfg. The reason why your crash netmail aren't sent immediately as expected is because Argus isn't configured to send to those nodes properly (eg. indicative from your problem) and that you're altering the CRASH flag before saving the message -- Leave the CRASH flag alone. The reason why Argus will only send to 1:123/500 is because it knows about 1:123/500 :) ... When you create a Crash netmail message in IE (Intermail Editor (which I know nothing about)), I hope it behaves correctly by assuming it will create a packet in your outbound directory after Squish Squash is run. For example, if a crash netmail created is addressed to 1:275/100 the following steps should occur, 1. Squish Squash 2. The following file containing your message is created "H:\Argus\Out\01130064.cut" 3. If Argus has 1:275/100 configured in its nodelist, it will dial the IP and establish a session Nb. A *.?ut file means the Binkley-style packet is uncompressed, and a *.?lo file means it's a header file that contains further instructions inside. The way you currently have Route.Cfg set up, ie. ============================================== Send Normal World Route normal 1:123/500 1:All 2:All 3:All 4:All 5:All 6:ALL Send Crash 1:140/1 Send Crash 1:261/1 Send Crash 1:261/38 Send normal 1:123/500 ============================================== All your mail is getting re-addressed to 1:123/500, so the other Send commands have no effect. Anyway, your problem is to do with Argus. You need to define the destination node & IP addresses in Argus. If it doesn't know about the destination, your packet will just get stuck in the outbound directory. And check that the crash netmail message is created in your outbound directory with *.cut extension. As a comparison, here is my Binkd.cfg file: ==================================================================== # Your FTN domains: # domain # or # domain alias-for # domain fidonet M:\\mailing\\mailer\\bt\\out\\ftn 3 domain fido alias-for fidonet domain alias-for fidonet domain alias-for fidonet # # Your addresses, 4D or 5D: # address ... # address 3:712/104@fidonet ... ... ... # # Define a link: # node [[z:]n/]n[.p][@domain] [-nr|-nd] [-md] [-ip|-sip] # [{hosts|-} [{pwd|-} [flavour [{obox|-} [{ibox|-}]]]]] # include node 3:712/0 -md mypassword node 1:343/41 # # Default node flags. Binkd will call unlisted node if "defnode" # defined. # # The line below sets up default node settings for -nr (not # reliable link) and instructs BinkD to do 1:2/3.4 --> # translation. # #defnode -nr * ==================================================================== Based on the "defined links" section above, you can see that I only intend on sending crash mail to 3:712/0 and 1:343/41. I define these entries after the "include" so that my specs override the ones from (because I don't trust it). I also don't bother with unlisted nodes. --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: < - Adelaide, Australia +61-8-8351-7637 (3:800/432) .