Subj : Readdressing packed mail To : Minh Van Le From : Mike Tripp Date : Sat Feb 09 2008 08:47 pm Hello Minh! 09 Feb 08 16:48, Minh Van Le wrote to Mike Tripp: ML> Ok. How do I reroute netmail after it has been packed and compressed ? ML> can Squish do it ? or do I have to start using shell scripts. I don't know of any way to convince Squish to extract anything from the outbound directory. If it is only netmail, then you might be able to update ROUTE.CFG with the appropriate statement for the addresses involved and then move the bundle from your outbound to your own inbound and toss it. If this method works, simple batch could handle it. I have only done it manually myself...cutting the appropriate line for the bundlename in question from original .?LO file for the original address and pasting it into the new one. You may be able to get away with simply renaming the ?LO...assuming that everything in the original needs to be rerouted and there isn't anything already pending for the new address. ..\\ike --- GoldED/2 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .