Subj : Readdressing packed mail To : Minh Van Le From : Mike Tripp Date : Sat Feb 16 2008 01:20 pm Hello Minh! 14 Feb 08 09:26, Minh Van Le wrote to Richard Webb: ML> The problem is those interzone netmails can be addressed to any random ML> address eg. 5:111/123, 6:222/456, 7:444/789. Usually this isn't a ML> problem because they would be routed through a single uplink which is ML> performed by Squish at SQUASH time. However for my purposes, I don't ML> want the PKTs bundled into 1 uplink address -until- ZMH so that I can ML> inspect my outbound directory during daytime. eg, The trick is not to bundle them for the destination that you never intend to connect with, so that you're not trying to "re-bundle" them for their actual destination later. If you really are willing to sit on the netmails until ZMH, then you could initially send them as unrouted/HOLD/uncompressed PKTs throughout the day. This allows you to view them individually in the outbound window without originating connection attempts. Then add a Sched block for ZMH which actually CHANGEs them from HOLD to NORMAL and then ROUTEs them to the single uplink with whatever compression and flavor you like for that node. Squish can do that for raw uncompressed PKTs already in the outbound. Of course, you would have to rethink your default archiving setup in SQUISH.CFG and global routing statements in ROUTE.CFG to make sure they don't collide with or contradict this scheme and get the extra -s switch for SQUISH invocations to tell Squish how/when to use the new schedule block. ..\\ike --- GoldED/2 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .