Subj : Squish limitations To : Paul Lentz From : Mike Tripp Date : Tue Mar 18 2008 10:31 am Hello Paul! 15 Mar 08 14:48, Paul Lentz wrote to ALL: MVL>> Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit) PL> I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I PL> think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages (I PL> think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files to PL> *.LNG. OS/2 exe (which you may be running?) can be configured to toss as large as OS/2 has resources to support. 256K is just the largest Scott Dudley tested with and supported by the canned keyword "Buffers Large". You have to define buffers manually to go higher...and have the resources to support them available, of course. If you want 1gb messages, Squish (SQ386P) can process them...but maybe your other utils (BBS, online readers, offline readers) or downlinks can't. PL> I've looked around before and never found any way to deal with PL> these long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is there a way to PL> do this? PKTSORT is a pre-toss utility that can split/unsplit large messages to user-defined sizes and recreate the inbound PKTs accordingly. If you dupe-check headers though, you need to set the config option that tells it to prepend the "1/5", "2/5", "3/5", etc to the subject line rather than append it (default behavior). Squish only looks at the first 24 chars of the subj, so you may get false dupes if the extra info is appended to a long subj. IMHO, messages too long for "Buffers Large" were messages I didn't care to actually read anyway. ..\\ike --- GoldED/2 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .