Subj : -x lock out clarification To : Marc Lewis From : Richard Webb Date : Fri May 23 2008 08:34 pm HI Marc, following up a message from Richard Webb to Marc Lewis: RW> Iirc the feed doesn't have the -x, but other addresses do. RW> An example: RW> I set a readonly echo, i.e. whitehouse to have the R flag. IN my RW> default node groups everyone has the r flag, but, note the RW> difference. THat's the easiest way to do it, if you have an areafix RW> program that will do that for you. OTherwise whenever you add a RW> downlink to that echo you'll have to manually edit squish.cfg to RW> place the -x before that downlink's entry in the echoarea line. For example, my point 200 areafixes whitehouse. HIs link in the echoarea line would appear as follows: echoArea whitehouse -x1:116/901.0 -x.200 ... Becuase this point has the proper letter key for whitehouse not capitalized the -x flag is automatically added. Note that my entry does not. I of course have all keys. IN your case, you set up this echo, and provide me a link to it. YOu of course could place the -x flag on my entry . HOpe that's clearer than my msg this morning. I've had coffee since then . Note that my address shows up in the area definition line in squish.cfg because that way I can control my link to the echo with areafix through the command line. This global control is one of the things I've found i like about this areafix program, as well as text file config. Regards, Richard --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS (1:116/901) .