Subj : clean up To : Kevin Klement From : Richard Webb Date : Sat Jul 12 2008 10:42 pm HI KEvin, Kevin Klement wrote in a message to All: KK> I'm running MS-DOS versions of Seal and Squish, the fidonet backbone KK> echo areas is now a small 200 areas, my squish.cfg needs a clean up KK> of dead echo areas. I wrote a simple batch file to help me with such chores. I use sqafix for areafix, and it keeps all echotags in a flat text file separate from its configs. THe batch builds other batches using the echo tags found in this file. THis batch file, which runs under ms dos 6.22 depends on a couple of batch enhancements, fgrep386.exe and Horst Schaeffer's listmod are the two it needs. My batch searches the flat text file my areafix program produces as well as any queue files and creates another batch using listmod which then searches backbone.dst and for dead echoes. IF found in backbone.dst the batch builds another batch which uses my areafix from the command line to unlink my system and any downlinks from said dead echoes. INactive echoes are left alone until they become listed in the destroyed list. IF you'd like to see the master batch file as a sample with which to build your own I can send it to you via netmail. The bfds headquarters can get you the two dependencies it needs. MOst systems carrying the bfds file echo should have them as well. Be glad to send you the sample batch via routed netmail if you like. Regards, Richard --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS (1:116/901) .