Subj : tub and bbbs, was way ot, need some maximus ... To : Richard Webb From : Russell Tiedt Date : Tue Mar 10 2009 06:48 pm Hello Richard. 09 Mar 09 19:18, you wrote to me: RW> MIght look at that, when we finally do the dsl thing here. RW> WIll do smoothwall on the main connected box, but sitll have to figure RW> some things out to get old blind man's familiar screenreader on one RW> box. You can use TimEd, Squish, BinkleyTerm and BinkD as a mail only system as well, and as you are already familiar with them, no need to move to Husky, and MBSE BBS only runs on Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD and possibly MAC OS/X RT>> That would be what I expect, but, Janis says BBBS wants routing RT>> instructions along with the netmail in a seperate message, if I RT>> understand her correctly. RW> Hmmm that's a new one on me, don't know how that's supposed RW> to work. Niether do I, was going to ask, but something came along and I never got that far ... RT>> With Squish, when it tosses messages, it checks the address of RT>> the message, with the routing table, if the routing table says RT>> the mail is local, it gets tossed to the local msgbase, if it is RT>> not for the system, it get routed according to the routing table RT>> and goes out with the next connect to the uplink ... RW> sounds right. I have squish kill passing through mail in RW> transit also. Might I ask why you kill mail passing thru ... ? RT>> I hope so as well, as I wouldn't mind a little "enlightenment" ... RT>> , but if at all possible, might be better to not route netmail RT>> thru Janis until the problem is understood better by the Squish RT>> users. RW> Would agree. I"m not sure what it's story is, but my RW> routing works well enough through 3634/12. RW> THe strange part is my z1 routing seems to work alright RW> through her system. . Anybody lurking around RW> here shed some light on all this? Sorry, no idea ... :-(( Russell --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5 * Origin: Rusty's BBS - Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa (5:7105/1) .