Subj : msg test To : Kevin Klement From : Mike Tripp Date : Thu Aug 20 2009 12:24 pm Hello Kevin! 19 Aug 09 18:40, Kevin Klement wrote to Mike Tripp: KK> I used your instructions with SEAL and wrote a batch file to SEAL DROP KK> E. A snap, ain't it? KK> Everything went good, used echofix.exe to fix Maximus, I might KK> have missed a few but I'll kill them ... I'll get'them easy! I do that with SEAL also (MSGCTL/FILECTL). Had to do a bit of echo cleanup here recently myself. I got in the habit of using SEAL PAUSE to stop echoes for downed nodes, so it would be easy to RESUME if they came back up. I accidently re-issued a PAUSEd node number that hadn't been used in several years to a new node, and SEAL wanted to RESUME all of the prior address-holder's areas. SEAL's memory was certainly better than mine... During the manual cleanup after my own brain-fart, I decided to trim any echoes that had less than 200 msgs total and none in the past year. Surprisingly, there were 40-50 that met that criteria out of less than 300 total subscribed locally or passthrough. ..\\ike --- GoldED 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .