Subj : *.pkt To : Kevin Klement From : Mike Tripp Date : Thu Mar 18 2010 12:33 am Hello Kevin! 17 Mar 10 18:28, Kevin Klement wrote to All: KK> I'm running the 386 MS-DOS flavor of Squish. KK> How large of *.pkt files can it handle, newgroups files, sometimes KK> HUGE files. It's a shame if your newsgroup util doesn't have enough sense to build more than one PKT, but I don't think the PKT size will matter to Squish as long as you have the disk space for the PKT and MSG versions of the data. What =will= matter is the size of the individual messages, as they will get stored in RAM after they are extracted from the PKTs but before they are inserted into the messagebase. That will depend on your "Buffers" statement in the config: === The defaults for the 32-bit versions of Squish (SQ386 and SQ386P) are: BUFFERS writebuf outbuf msgbuf Small 64k 64k 64k Medium 76k 128k 128k Large 128k 512k 256k === You can also assign your own specific values for each buffer if you don't like the Small/Medium/Large shortcuts. ..\\ike --- GoldED 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .