Subj : *.pkt To : Richard Webb From : Mike Tripp Date : Fri Mar 19 2010 12:40 pm Hello Richard! 18 Mar 10 15:23, Richard Webb wrote to Mike Tripp: RW> Agreed again. I think, the behavior I mentioned earlier RW> this thread of splitting large messages works because I"m RW> using the large buffers setting. OTherwise ymmv. I think RW> the docs mention something about the behavior changing RW> according to buffer size, i.e. squish will behave as it did RW> with earlier versions if you use medium or small buffers. Squish does not do any message splitting...though I do not recall whether it renames the PKT to LNG or BAD for later reprocessing. The only change I'm aware of between versions was new numeric values for Small/Medium/Large and the ability to assign explicit numeric values to each of the 3 individual buffers. PKTSort was a popular tool for message-splitting, but it was designed to be used to post-process your outbound to split large messages after they were already scanned. I went through a bunch of convoluted tricks to get it to pre-process inbound created by the newsgating util. I was eventually able to eliminate the intermediate format. pre-processing, and tossing altogether using NGate to transfer between NNTP server and Squishbases directly. I still a bit of batch work to toggle the Squish buffers from Small to Large, scan the newsgroup areas to downlinks, and then toggle from Large back to Small for normal processing again. After monitoring the messages >256K for a bit, I decided that I didn't really need to be forwarding the spam or uuencoded "stuff" that either belonged in a binary group or trash that belonged in the bit-bucket anyway. ymmv also, ..\\ike --- GoldED 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .