Subj : (Possibly) Ignorant Question To : Daniel Torrey From : Richard Webb Date : Mon Dec 24 2012 12:34 am Hello Daniel, On Sat 2012-Dec-22 07:17, Daniel Torrey (1:132/505) wrote to All: DT> I use GoldED+ to read and edit messages, and Squish to process them. DT> After Squish runs, I end up with two tearlines in the outgoing .PKT, DT> the one that GoldED+ adds, followed by a blank line, followed by the DT> one Squish adds. Is this the expected/desired behavior? Which version of Squish, which operating system? DT> I've been through squish.doc and don't see a way to turn tearlines DT> off altogether. I'd like to have GoldED+ add the tearline, and let DT> Squish add the origin line. Don't think there is, according to docs squish will only add tear and origin if it doesn't see valid tear and origin in the message when it's processed. FIrst thing I note is your squish is using the undersc ore character, ascii 95 instead of the regular dash character, ascii 45. A valid tear should be three dashes, or three ascii 45. I'm seeing a group of 3 ascii 95 chars in the tear line your squish appended, no golded tear line though. Regards, Richard --- * Origin: (1:116/901) .