Subj : (Possibly) Ignorant Question To : Richard Webb From : Daniel Torrey Date : Mon Dec 24 2012 08:15 am Hi Richard, RW> Which version of Squish, which operating system? It's Squish/386 version 1.11, running on DOS. Well, actually, running in a DOXBox window, which is running in a Windows 7 VM, which is running in Parallels Desktop on a Macbook Pro, which is running OS X 10.8.2. Why do it the easy way? :-) RW> FIrst thing I note is your squish is using the undersc ore RW> character, ascii 95 instead of the regular dash character, RW> ascii 45. Interesting. Squish is putting in whatever it wants to by default; I'm not defining a tearline anywhere, just an origin line. If Squish thinks that ASCII 95 is the correct character to use in the tear, that would explain why it's adding one even if there's a previous (ASCII 45) tear in the message, added buy GOldED+ - if Squish is looking for three 95 chars and what's there is 3 45 chars. There's no GoldED+ tear in the messages I'm sending out because I've configured GoldED+ to not add one - I don't want to end up with two, which is what was happening when I was testing. Thanks for your help, I'll see what I can figure out. Daniel .... Vermont USA: 18th-century charm, 19th-century conveniences --- Squish/386 v1.11 * Origin: • Almost At The Top Of The Hill • Newfane, VT USA • (1:132/505) .