Subj : Migrating to Linux To : Mike Powell From : mark lewis Date : Sat Mar 09 2013 08:33 pm MP> I have been using SQUISH for many years now. First under DOS, MP> then under OS/2. I am considering migrating my BBS over to debian MP> linux. As best as I can tell, there is no version of SQUISH for MP> linux. you are correct... to a point... MP> Are there any linux-compatable tossers out there that are MP> "SQUISH-like," and that are compatable with the *.msg message MP> bases? I am looking for something that is as easy to configure as MP> SQUISH. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! no clue but the maximus sources were released some time back... i don't remember if the squish sources were in there as well... there was work being done to allow maximus to run natively on linux... if squish was included (it has been 10+ years) then it should have also been included in that process... the question is what BBS software are you running? you should also be able to run a DOS tosser in a virtual DOS box of some kind and let it manage the message areas that way... should... )\/(ark --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.42) .