Subj : Re: Need to insert a PKT Password in PX Generated Netmail Packet To : Robert Wolfe From : Allen Prunty Date : Wed May 11 2016 01:03 am On May 10, 2016 07:04pm, Robert Wolfe wrote to Mark Lewis: -=>> mark lewis wrote to Allen Prunty <=- ml>> please don't spam the echos like this in the future... you can easily ml>> find one echo where this would be on topic and get helpful ml>> assistance... you don't need to dump it in 20 different echos :( RW> Allen, Wildcat! and PX messages belong in the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo, RW> which I moderate. The people who wrote Squish and ran it had a TON of .pkt maniulation utils... only hoping someone still was around from that group. They were once very prolific... now I can't find a copy of Squish to try to see if I can kludge around it. But it seems now I may have a solution thanks to a GOOD friend who I appreciate greatly. Allen .... Buckle up; it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of the car. --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Derby City LiveWire - Louisville, KY - livewirebbs.dy (1:2320/100) .