Subj : FOLLOW-UP ON: Problem with legacy tosser (Squish) and Sync's MSGID To : Fred Riccio From : Marc Lewis Date : Wed Dec 02 2020 07:03 pm Hello Fred. <> FR> Squish *can* use MSGID to do dupe checking, but it doesn't have to. FR> Check the DupeCheck keyword in Squish.Cfg, does it say MSGID, FR> HEADER, or both? You could try using only HEADER to see what FR> happens. ML> Okay, I've changed the DupeCheck line to read HEADER. ML> I've asked one of the Nodes that feeds off me to send a NetMail to ML> me to see what happens. Unfortunately, Fred, that had no effect whatsoever. It may be time for me to just hang it up. I can't afford the time to completely redesign the system to accomodate the Synchronet way of doing things... And they're so predominant now-a-days that almost 2/3 of the nodes feeding off me run Synchronet. Mr. Swindell says it's Squish's fault and I strongly disagree with him, but there's not much I can do about it. It's apparent in his opinion that he's right and Squish is wrong, despite the lenght of time its been around doing its job without problem. Best regards, Marc --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville, (1:396/45) .