Subj : WinPoint Version 404 IPV5 To : Al Thompson From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Sun Mar 27 2022 02:17 pm Hello Al, On Saturday March 26 2022 02:58, you wrote to me: MvdV>> They will see: Hmm. customer Schattkowsky still uses IPv4. So we MvdV>> can not switch off IPv4 yet..." AT> If that is going to be the determining factor, I suspect it will be AT> decades before it happens. There are hundreds of thousands of AT> security systems, thermostats, ATMs, POS systems, refrigerators, TVs, AT> vending machines, etc. that currently populate the IPV4 space, and AT> will likely last for quite some time. A push to force all of those AT> users to upgrade their device for no benefit to them will meet a lot AT> of resistance. It will not be THE determining factor, and IPv4 will never completely disappear just as IPX has not disapeared completely yet. But there will come a time when IPv4 can no longer be used to connect systems across the Internet. It takes cost and effort to support a dual stack environment and in the foreseeable futute someone will come to the conclusion that the benefits of maintaining IPv4 will no longer justify the cost. And that will be the start of the end of IPv4. I expect to see this in the coming decade. Tough luck for those that still use IPv4 only stuff. But h‚ IPv6 had been around for a while, and those that have still been buying IPv4 only stuff for the last five years have only themselves to blame. Forunately WinPoint now supports IPv6, so Winpoint users have nothing to fear. Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: (2:280/5555) .