Subj : Re: BERR BinkP Error: Password mismatch To : Ralf Voepel From : Tim Schattkowsky Date : Sun Oct 29 2023 09:20 pm //Hello Ralf,// on *28.10.23* at *16:59:48* You wrote in Area *WINPOINT* to *All* about *"BERR BinkP Error: Password mismatch"*. RV> Howdy everyone. RV> I updated WP and now I get the error : BERR BinkP Error: Password RV> mismatch and Winpoint disconnects. In File - Options - Uplinks - RV> Properties -- Passwords the Sessions password is still in there but I do RV> not receive anything. Where else do I need to check or set something? RV> Little lost. Thanks for any advice. Generally, the handling of these passwords has not changed for many years, so I doubt the the WP upgrade is causing this. Did you check (in the log at the IDEN tag) that the password for the correct uplink is used? Also, anything special about your password (e.g., non-ASCII characters)? Regards, Tim --- WinPoint 415.0 * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6) .