Subj : Re^2: Ping To : Tim Schattkowsky From : Ulrich Schroeter Date : Tue Nov 14 2023 10:26 pm Hi Tim, 14 Nov 23 19:16, from Tim Schattkowsky -> Daniel PATH, in URL area://WINPOINT?msgid=2:310/31.6+f1c9a184: TS> //Hello Daniel,// TS> on *08.11.23* at *13:49:09* You wrote in Area *WINPOINT* TS> to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Re: Ping"*. TS>>> Got very silent everywhere ... DP>> your mails from september just arrived here :) TS> Wow. Works like a charm. I also keep thinking (based on reply TS> linkage), that only half of the messages make it to my place. this may relate to the fido-web multiple linkage of one area through different paths, may block seen-bys to be forwarded to the final destination system (maybe one option) TS> Regards, TS> Tim TS> --- WinPoint 415.0 TS> * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6) regards, uli ;-) --- GoldED-NSF/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-20090710 * Origin: AMBROSIA - Bad Ueberkingen - Germany (2:240/1120) .