WSGOPHER is a widely used and well recommended Windows client program from Dave Brooks. It is commonly found as WSG-11.ZIP. Although this program has been around for a while, it tends to break WINSOCK packages. You have to use one of the Beta test versions of Trumpet 1.0B to get anything, and make sure to put the latest maintenance on any other WINSOCK package. WSGOPHER presents Gopherspace as a sequence of cascading menus nested within the application window. Following current Windows practice, there is a toolbar with options to do things like save, print, and copy to the clipboard. The type of each item is represented by a small icon that allows the menus to be displayed quite compactly. To support several menus simultaneously will require extra memory. The one disadvantage of WSGOPHER is that it needs a lot of RAM (an 8 meg machine is required, a 12 meg machine is nicer). WSGOPHER is configured through the Configure drop down menus. This allows the user to select an initial home menu, set fonts, determine the programs that view special data types, and select Gopher+ preferences. This rather massive panel tells WSGOPHER to prefer compressed audio (ulaw) over uncompressed (wav). Similarly JPEG files are more aggressively compressed (especially for photographs) than GIF images. A user would add from the right hand side data types which the client computer can view ("Microsoft-word" for example) and would order them by preference (Word before PostScript).