WSGopher32 (ver 2.0) Abandonware Written by Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies for the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. You must run the setup program "wsgopher20.exe" to install the software. By default, the program installs in the "C:\Program Files\WSGopher32" directory (program settings are stored in the "WSGOPHER.INI" file located here). WSGopher32 features a hierarchical interface which shows a structured hierarchy of information. Navigation is accomplished by simply selecting the appropriate location in a directory tree. Configuration options are consolidated into a property page dialog to make configuration easier. The main gopher window can be split into either two or three views, making navigation easier. Personal bookmarks are organizable and accessable from the main gopher window. P.S., Don't try to register the software, as Lockheed Martin has abandoned the software and will NOT accept your money.