========================================= APRIL 22: Technical Tutorials and Forums ---------------------------------------- Morning General Session 8:00 Registration 9:00 Welcome - Dr. D.R. Riley, Associate V.P. & Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, University of Minnesota GEN1 9:10 Gopherspace & the State of the Gopher University of Minnesota Internet Gopher Development Team A look at where we came from and where we are going. How Gopher fits together with other internet services, how Internet services will evolve over the next year, new user interface metaphors for Gopher clients, and significant recent developments in Gopher technology. Meet the new, improved U of M gopher development team. 10:15 Break GEN2 10:30 Searching Gopherspace with Veronica - Steve Foster How veronica has evolved in the last year. A fascinating rundown of the numbers on the growth in GopherSpace, and a survey of the most-wanted words in GopherSpace. Steve Foster, co-creator of veronica, will discuss making your gopher server veronica-friendly by using options to control indexing, and by using prebuilt index files. How ( and why ) to run and register your own veronica server. He will also discuss some future directions for veronica, including plans for simplified regional and country indexes, and progress on more-efficient servers. Finally, in BEYOND THE ABSTRACT he will discuss possibilities for improved index capabilities using Gopher+ attributes. GEN3 11:15 Archie - Peter Deutsch Archie isn't just for anonymous ftp anymore! The latest release of the Archie system provides a fully supported service for indexing gopherspace. New features for this release include a direct gopher interface onto the entire archie system, as well as the new indexed collection of gopher menu items. In this presentation, Archie co-creator Peter Deutsch presents an overview of the Archie system architecture, details of the gopher gathering and distribution components, as well as a discussion of initial implementation experience. Also covered will be details on registering your site with archie, preparing prebuilt indexed files, as well as an overview and discussion of the Bunyip gang's future plans for the furry rodent (yes, Bunyip is going to be doing Gopher+, attributes and other stuff, too). 12:00 Lunch Afternoon tracks 1:30 - 4:30: Room 1: New Gopher Administrators ---------------------------------- NG1 1:30 - 1:50 Introduction to Gopher Protocol - Dave Johnson A quick overview of the Gopher and Gopher+ protocols. The intended audience is new server administators who need to understand enough of the gopher protocol to test their servers and clients. NG2 1:50 - 2:15 Macintosh and DOS Servers - Dave Johnson How to select hardware and software to set up a Gopher server running on a PC (PC-DOS) or a Macintosh (Macintosh OS). Full text searching on MacOS gopher servers. NG3 2:20 - 3:00 A Gopher Server for VMS: How to Cook your VMS Gopher Server - J. Lance Wilkinson History of the VMS Gopher Server, followed by a tutorial on installation of the VMS Gopher Server, version 1.2VMS-1, will be presented. The intended audience is VMS system managers who are about to, or have just become, GopherMeisters. NG4 3:05 - 4:00 Unix Server and Client - Paul Lindner Selecting hadware for running the Unix gopherd server. Configuring and installing gopherd and the Unix gopher clients. NG5 4:00 - 4:30 Public Access Clients, Security Issues - Paul Lindner How to set up a public access vt-100 telnet client while keeping the cheese and crackers to a minimum. Security issues with running a Unix gopher server. Room 2: Enhancing Content, Efficiency, Reliability --------------------------------------------------- EQ1 o Information Quality - Anders Gillner EQ2 o Making Sense of Veronica's Words - Nancy John EQ3 o Quality of Service - Mitra The quality of information and organization of gopherspace is crucial to providing users with a useful information system. In this session, the quality and reliability issues of Gopher are discussed from three perspectives. This session will look at conceptual models for information quality/organization, how to give the users what they want (and some ways of determining what users want and like) and operational issues for making gopherspace more robust and reliable. Room 3: Developer Forum ------------------------ DEV1 An open forum discussion of gopher protocol and development issues including: Gopher+ protocol document Attribute Registry New Data Types Gopher and URLs and URNs and a presentation called if (GView==Interactive_Image_Format) free (WWW); by Alan Steremberg. This presentation covers the technology behind Blue Skies, an interactive graphical gopher client. The Interactive Image Format, a way of assigning hot regions to graphics, will be discussed and proposed as the official GView standard. Developers will receive sample IIF files, source code to parse and manipulate IIF files and data structures, and source code to decode GIF images. ----------------------------------- APRIL 23 Cool Gopher Applications ----------------------------------- Morning tracks 9:00 - 12:00. Room 1: Cool Gopher Apps (Client, Server, and Service Show & Tell) ------------------------------------------------------------------- APP1 9:00- 9:30 WinSock Implementation of Asynchronous Gopher+ with multiple sessions in Super TCP - John Xu A Windows Gopher+ client that supports asynchronous multiple sessions. APP2 9:35-10:05 America Online's gateway to Gopher - GUI gopher at 2400 baud - Mitra Pandora Systems has built an interface between AOL and the internet that allows AOL's users to access the resources available through WAIS and Gopher. Since AOL can be installed on a minimal machine, with a 2400 baud modem with almost no documentation, this represents a huge step in making Gopher available to the non-technical population. APP3 10:10-10:40 Gofer = Gopher+ + Token-based Tree Maintenance and Much More - Andrew Scherpbier and Mark Boyns Would you like to maintain your gopher server with a gopher client? We will present the Gopher Maintenance Protocol (GMP) which allows users to maintain their own Gopher trees without intervention of a Gopher administrator. GMP consists of basic extensions to the Gopher+ protocol which we hope to be adopted in future versions of Gopher+. A brand new Gopher+/GMP client and server have been developed at SDSU in C++. This project, code named Gofer, has produced a high performance/low maintenance gopher implementation. APP4 10:55-11:25 Gopher Access to Mainframe Based Administrative Data and Class Rosters - Robert Cademy Do you have a lot of data on a mainframe that you want users to be able to access on their desktop workstations with tools they already have? Using Gopher+ Ask blocks that's just what we've done at SDSU. We import class roster information from our administrative mainframe onto a Unix server and allow faculty to request their rosters, via Gopher, in text or spreadsheet format, for Macintosh, PC, or other systems. Issues such as ease-of-use, format type, electronic delivery, and security will be discussed. APP5 11:30-12:00 The AskERIC Virtual Library: A User-Driven Service - Nancy Morgan The AskERIC Service is a user-based approach to providing educational information services and resources through the Internet. The organization and development of resources for the AskERIC Virtual Library, a Gopher/FTP site of selected resources for education and general interest, is driven by the questions and comments received by users of AskERIC. Room 2: Even More Cool Gopher Apps ------------------------------------ APP6 9:00- 9:30 Using Minuet as a PC-DOS Gopher client - Earl Schleske Minuet is an integrated client that supports Gopher+, Netnews, ftp, telnet, and SMTP/POP for e-mail. The most amazing part of Minuet is that this single applications runs on 512K PC-DOS systems. Sites that want to support internet access without requiring user upgrades will want to consider Minuet. APP7 9:35-10:05 Meet GINA - A face you will love at first sight - Keith Vogt A Graphical Interface for Network Access designed for easy access to the Internet. A client/server interface for Mac/Windows that provides email, conferences (usnet groups), and information (ftp, telnet and gopher integrated) with easy point and click operation. Developed primarily for K-12 classroom use with usenet group selection capability. APP8 10:10-10:40 Blue Skies Gopher - Alan Steremberg Forecast: Blue Skies, chance of large rodents. Blue Skies is an interactive graphical gopher client and an extremely powerful data visualization tool. The University of Michigan Weather Underground gopher servers has interactive images which allow the user to point at part of the image for further information. For example, selecting a city on a weather map would give the current conditions for that city. Blue Skies will also display quicktime quicktime animations, GIF and JPEG images, and more. Server maintainers will learn how easy it is to create their own interactive images! APP9 10:55-11:25 WSGopher: a Windows Gopher+ client - David Brooks WSGopher is an asynchronous, MDI Gopher+ client for Microsoft Windows and WinSock 1.1. To support the user, it uses WYSIWIH (what you see is what I have) and a full range of features including bookmark \categories, printing with screen or printer fonts, print preview, parallel TCP/IP connections, and much more. Come hear about this popular client from the author! APP10 11:30-12:00 Gopher and the Mathematics Archives - Larry Husch & Earl Fife The Mathematics Archives has as its goals as providing access to all software and other materials which are available on the Internet and which are useful in the teaching of mathematics at the community college, college and university levels. We will discuss how gopher has helped us in our attempt to reach these goals. Room 3: Gophers of a Different Color ------------------------------------- COL1 9:00- 9:30 K-12: Using Gopher as a Learning Resource Server - Matthew Stuve The UIUC Learning Resource Server (located at lynx.ed.uiuc.edu) was one of the first Gopher servers to address the needs of pre- and in-service teachers as well as K-12 schools in general. The relevant K-12 resources of the server will be demonstrated. In addition, our server is composed of resources provided by numerous staff, faculty, and students within the College from local K-12 schools. This form of "distributed server management" will be explained in the context of Macintosh file sharing on AppleTalk networks. Finally, guidance on the design, setup, and management of Gopher servers in K-12 settings will be provided. COL2 9:35-10:05 Service Learning Across the USA: Establishing a Service Learning Gopher - Charles Boudreaux Service-learning has been a major focus of the Clinton administration. Our nationally-funded clearinghouse of K-12th grade service-learning information is shared with the public via toll-free telephone calls to our center, a FoxPro database containing information from the field, and an InterNet Gopher server running on a Macintosh platform. Our server will be demonstrated via Macintosh TurboGopher and mainframe clients. As our server is still under construction, future directions and Macintosh Server foibles will also be discussed. COL3 10:10-10:40 Building Gophers Collaboratively: Children, Youth and Family Information Servers - Trudy Dunham and Robert Rubinyi Sharing electronic publications, newsletters, and information about successful programs in the areas of children, youth and family is the focus of two Gopher information bases developed by the Minnesota Extension Service. Initiated in 1992, the Minnesota Children, Youth and Family Consortium Electronic Clearinghouse has grown to encompass a wide-range of materials including census data, reports from nonprofit agencies, project abstracts and online publications. The newly formed National Extension Children, Youth and Family Network is a collaborative effort of land grant universities in over forty five states to share materials on child care, family resiliency, science and technology education and interagency collaboration. During this session, the planning, implementation and technical challenges posed in the development of collaborative information systems will be discussed. COL4 10:55-11:25 Corporate Gophers: Schlumberger and its Information GopherSpace - Rich Obrecht Schlumberger has begun to implement Gopher in such a way that it can distribute information across the corporation. Such information includes things such as how to acquire an IP subnet, getting a DECnet node number and name, telecommunications circuit acquisition, X.25 PSN Host and Line configuration request, and access account requests. This is by no means an exhaustive list and this list grows DAILY! Schlumberger is also pursuing securing information such that only a subset of employees may peruse the secure information (using Gshield). Standards have been defined for 1st and 2nd-level menus such that ALL Schlumberger Gopher servers have the same look and feel for the travelling employee. Indexing has been implemented for global Gopherspace searching (using Jughead) and specific server-based Gopherspace searching (WAIS and freeWAIS). Schlumberger is EXCITED about information distribution using Gopher! 12:00 Lunch Afternoon tracks 1:30 - 3:45 Room 1: Still More Cool Gopher Apps ------------------------------------ APP11 1:30- 2:00 Jughead: A tool to search menus in your local gopher menu space - Rhett "Jonzy" Jones Besides the local search feature, Jughead is also an organizational tool allowing a hierarchical view of a gopher subspace. APP12 2:05- 2:35 Running a Consolidated Gopher and WWW Server - Michael Potter Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a World-Wide-Web server that integrates nicely with an existing Gopher server. The WWW server allows access to information already stored in Gopher, and provides hooks to take full advantage of the features of WWW and hypertext. Organizations that wish to maintain information in a single form, but serve both Gopher and WWW users, should be interested in the LANL WWW server. APP13 2:50- 3:20 Gopher Goes Interactive - embedding Usenet News in Gopher - Stephen Trier An innovative MS-DOS Gopher client with integrated Usenet and a modified Unix gopher client that can link to Usenet. Both an overview of the technolgy and a demonstration. APP14 3:25- 3:55 Growing the MIT Libraries Gopher: subject classification and team building - Keith Morgan Do all gophers look alike? Should all gophers look alike? Keith Morgan, Economics Subject Specialist and member of the MIT Libraries Gopher Team will discuss the subject classification and team building approach taken by the MIT Libraries gopher team. Morgan will demonstrate MITosis, the Libraries gopher, and suggest methods by which gopher builders might form collaborative alliances that draw on the particular professional knowledge of librarians: an understanding of how people search for information and how best to organize that information. The MIT Libraries have employed a team approach to the gopher that has united the organizational skills of cataloging librarians and the evaluative and specialized knowledge of subject selectors with the technical expertise of the systems office. Morgan will also share the gopher team's "Guiding Principles for a Good Gopher" developed over the past year. Room 2: Gophers of a Different Color (continued from morning session) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COL5 1:30- 2:00 Library and Government Information via Gophers Using LC MARVEL - Elizabeth Miller LC MARVEL (Library of Congress Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual Electronic Library) can be classified as both a "library" and "government" gopher server. In addition to the Library's own information, LC MARVEL also offers easy and well-organized access to government information (federal, state, international, congressional, etc.) and to library information, online catalogs, and library gophers. This demonstration will focus on using the LC MARVEL gopher to access to this genre of information over the Internet. COL6 2:05- 2:35 Legi-Slate: Burrowing into the House and Senate - Ed Stawick Legi-Slate, Inc. has designed a new Gopher server to deliver information about the daily activities of the Executive and Legislative branches of the U.S. government. This system has features not found in other gophers and uses these features in an attempt to deliver this complex information in a straightforward manner. The Legi-Slate Gopher System is designed to target the academic market although a lot of interest is being shown by government and corporate entities. This session will introduce the Legi-Slate Gopher Service, discuss the unique features of the system and demonstrate the currently available prototype. Room 2: Server Tools and Maintenance ------------------------------------- STM1 2:50- 3:20 UNIX Server Construction and Maintenance for Mac Users - Michael Fraase You don't need to know much about UNIX to construct and maintain a UNIX-based Gopher server. This session is geared for Mac (or Microsoft Windows) users with little or no UNIX experience who find themselves maintaining a UNIX-based Gopher server. The good news is that you can use familiar Mac (or Microsoft Windows) tools with a graphical interface. You need not be burdened with the UNIX command prompt. STM2 3:25- 3:55 Titling Menus with scripts and keystrokes (or how to work with .names files and .cap directories) - Paul Kramer This presentation introduces a program that helps manage ..names files and .cap directories in a Unix gopher server. These files/directories are used to title entries in the gopher server. A public domain program called utree can be used to create, edit, and manage these files and directories. utree is a screen-oriented file system browser and file management utility written by Peter Klingebiel. While running utree, the user can use single keystroke commands and define new commands to perform tasks specific to managing the .names files and/or .cap directories. These features will be demonstrated in this presentation. Room 3: Advanced Server Tools and Gateways ------------------------------------------- ADV1 1:30- 2:00 Gopher to SQL Gateway - Paul Lindner SQL databases have an explicit heirarchical structure than can be mapped into Gopherspace very naturally. This sessions covers the Gopher to SQL gateway for Oracle and Sybase SQL servers, and demonstrates browsing, searching, and modifying SQL database from Gopher+ clients. ADV2 2:05- 2:35 Gopher to Z39.50 1992 gateway - Danny Iacovou While Gopher has had a gateway to WAIS (an extension of the 1988 revision of Z39.50) for several years, Z39.50 has not been standing still. The new 1992 revision of Z39.50 requires a new gopher gateway and this allows for access to online catalogs. This session covers the features of the gopher to 1992 Z39.50 gateway, how to install and configure your own gateway, and a tour of some of the library catalogs that are now accessible via Gopher. ADV3 2:50- 3:20 Current Contents database on Gopher - Bob Alberti The Current Contents database is a set of abstracts for academic journals which is updated weekly. Current Contents is quite popular at the University of Minnesota since it is easily searchable via gopher and is an excellent way to scan journals for articles of interest. The processes used to automate gopherizing the raw Current Contents data is an excellent case study for gopher administrators pondering how to publish masses of frequently changing information. This session covers both the userUs view of Current Contents and the system administration issues. ADV4 3:25- 3:55 Authentication & X.500 gopher gateway - Frank Grewe The University of MinnesotaUs online directory is an X.500 directory which contains over 100,000 entries. Faculty, staff, and students can use Gopher+ clients to change their entries in the X.500 database as well as browse and search X.500. This session explores how Gopher+ forms and a gopher to X.500 gateway make it possible to update preferred e-mail address, fax number, etc. in the directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to the scheduled sessions, rooms are available for informal Birds-Of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions all day Saturday. BOF signups wil be held during day 1 (Friday). ------------------------------------------------------------------------