Action games: hunt - a multi-player multi-terminal game worm - Play the growing worm game Board games: backgammon - the game of backgammon gomoku - game of 5 in a row monop - Monopoly game Card games: canfield - the solitaire card game canfield cribbage - the card game cribbage fish - play Go Fish mille - play Mille Bornes Formatting fun: banner - print large banner on printer bcd - reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code morse - reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code number - convert Arabic numerals to English pig - eformatray inputway asway Igpay Atinlay ppt - reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code random - random lines from a file or random numbers rot13 - rot13 encrypt/decrypt Puzzle/Quiz: arithmetic - quiz on simple arithmetic boggle - word search game hangman - Computer version of the game hangman robots - fight off villainous robots snake - display chase game tetris-bsd - the game of tetris quiz - random knowledge tests wump - hunt the wumpus in an underground cave Role playing: adventure - an exploration game battlestar - a tropical adventure game phantasia - an interterminal fantasy game "Screensavers": rain - animated raindrops display worms - animate worms on a display terminal Simulation games: atc - air traffic controller game sail - multi-user wooden ships and iron men trek - trekkie game Various calculations: caesar - decrypt caesar cyphers pom - display the phase of the moon primes - generate primes Other: cfscores - show scores for canfield huntd - hunt daemon, back-end for hunt game snscore - show scores for snake teachgammon - learn to play backgammon wargames - shall we play a game? wtf - translates acronyms for you