Makefile conventions I'm trying to compile a test binary for the Yocto-based system I'm working on. The thing is way more complex than what one could think! This is mostly due to a defective third-party layer that is unfortunately involved in the creation of the SDK installer. The SDK is the bundle of tools that enable software development for the target platform outside yocto. Fortunately, the broken build recipe only affects the SDK installer, and does not prevent me to package my testing tool. The package compilation tasks in Yocto are very similar to the corresponding ones in other native packaging systems, such as RPM. We have do_configure, do_compile, do_install... Writing a simple makefile seem to do the job. I appreciate how the tasks are executed in a shell environment where certain conventional variables are defined. Variables such as 'prefix', 'exec_prefix', 'bindir'... This reminds me of certain packaging efforts that I carried on at a previous job position. There are a few relevant node in the GNU Make manual. They're below the "Makefile Conventions" node. I'm still shocked, even after years, about how horrible it is to use the info(1) document reader.