Possibly one of the worst week-ends ever. Having a small kid has the weird effect of turning week-ends into nightmares, and regular work days into relaxed time. A toast to whoever invented day care This was a long week end, and a quite warm one too. Both things made it way worse than the usual. The only way to have a little peace is to be in a park, the only place where our son stops behaving like an enraged monkey. It has been impossible to sleep, with our son waking up at night, and staying awake for two or three hours. You can't get to the park by night. We had worse before, but I hoped this wake up crap was gone, by now. We are in such a bad mood that both me and my wife are not talking much today. If anything, I was able to spend some time alone, in those few hours when my family was asleep, finding some peace in the darkness and silence of a UNIX shell.