Vacay, day 0 After a long period I'm finally having some vacation. While flying on a plane, my son sleeping with his young head resting on my right arm, I chill a little and think of the last nine months. I did a lot lately, starting with a new job in a different line of work, moving in a new home, and all of it while also taking care of my family. I've landed a job as embeded software engineer, and consolidated it by learning new tools. I have now some valuable experience with Yocto, I wrote a few drivers within a baremetal application targeting a cryptoprocessor, I refactored and made right a whole cross compiled system, taming a quite broken CMake configuration, in a multi-toolchain environment. I also deepened my knowledge in the topics of security and data encryption. I feel likeI gained the trust and befriended many colleagues. It was a quite good series of achievements. I'm glad to be part of a crew of competent people. I'm also so grateful of being surrounded by a loving family. I hope I can be a good parent over time, for this little cool buddy, in the same way as I hope I've been a good husband in the last seven years.