Updating LaTeX documents I'm in the process of improving my online presence, so I'm doing things like cleaning up my website, and updating my CV. The latter feels a bit complicated, due to the choice of using LaTeX to create it. Years ago I was really into LaTeX, while nowadays my enthusiasm cooled off, since I realized how it is overly complicated for most situation. My CV is definitely not a research paper! The last time I tried to compile it, I was running Fedora, while I'm currently running Debian. I've got a list of the packages I installed back then, and they're for Fedora. Well, I'm using podman to create a build container, so I can avoid installing too much crap on my system. I figured that nowadays there's an image called `fedora-minimal', which sounds really interesting. Although there's no `dnf' available, I quickly found a command called `microdnf' that seems to be a lightweight replacement. It reminded me of `svnlite' under Freebsd.