Gradually, crossbow The software is ready: version 2.0.0 is about to hit the Internets. With version 2.0.0 I would like to host it myself on this server, so I've started to work to a section of it in this gopherole. At the same time, since 99.99% of the people who might enjoy the project lives in surface, I'd like to have it on HTTPS too. -- Moving to self-hosting ----------------------------- Initially, I'll host here only the releases: tarballs, signatures and user manuals. Later on I'll start having git repositories, possibly serving them via https. One thing at the time. -- Why self-hosting? ---------------------------------- For many reasons, from most to least important: - I don't like how GitHub and GitLab are affected by politics and big corporations - I don't like how GitHub and GitLab distribute snapshot tarballs: they're not dist packages. - For the pleasure of rolling my own and learning from it - I considered SourceHut, but it is probably overkill. Also, I'm already paying for Obviously this means it will take more time, but I'm OK with that.