Phlogs: work in progress The gopherhole on started simple: a bunch of text files, maintained manually, no versioning. I devised a simple back-up policy, intended to prevent data loss in case of human error (me accidentally deleting files, more than anything else). The phlog was a simple directory containing a growing collection of files, each named with the entry date: $(date +%F).txt Over time I started to consider the addition of some automatism. I wanted to generate the gophermap of my phlog automatically, so that the entry title could be shown together with the publishing date. I wrote a little program for the purpose. Then I extended it to generate the RSS feed. In these days I've finally reached the point where I'm quite satisfied with my work. I have a few phlogs here, all managed with my simple phlog management program: phlogmg. There's still some work I'd like to do: - I would like to publish my phlog management tool in my projects page[1] - I would like to collect all the blogs, diaries and annotations that I've written over years, and make them accessible via gopher. The second wish is somewhat ambitious: I've written a fair amount of text over years, and my journals are currently scattered around many mediums. This includes Wordpress, a platform that I would never ever use today. [1] gopher://